
Maryland Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


More Unnecessary Stents: Salisbury Maryland Doctor Indicted

A Salisbury cardiologist has been indicted in federal court on charges stemming from the doctor’s giving patients unnecessary stents. Many patients have already filed civil lawsuits in Salisbury claiming medical malpractice for the unnecessary stents. The debacle at St. Joe’s has caused a fresh look into every doctor who has…


Wrongful Death Settlements and Verdicts for Older Victims

This month’s Metro Verdicts Monthly provides the median verdict/settlement in Maryland wrongful death cases for victims over the age of 65 is $600,000. I always caution about misleading figures, but this number is beyond misleading (through no fault of MVM). The data measures Maryland wrongful death settlements and verdicts in…


Florida Opinion on Surgical Center’s Liability

A Florida appeals court gave an interesting ruling in Kristensen-Kepler v. Cooney on the question of whether there was potential liability against an ambulatory surgical center. Plaintiff’s wrongful death claim was that the ambulatory surgical center’s anesthesiologist negligently caused an infection in decedent’s spine. The court found that the surgery…


Average Maryland Medical Malpractice Settlement and Verdict

The median medical malpractice jury award in Maryland, according to Jury Verdict Research, was $500,000 in 2003, the last year for which I could find data. Verdicts that year ranged from $54,521 to $7,708,064. One study indicates that the average award in Maryland malpractice claims (presumably claims that are reported…

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