
Maryland Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


Known Risk Malpractice Defense

Many are concerned about frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits. Little if any attention is given to frivolous malpractice lawsuit defenses. Everyone realizes that doctors are human beings and sometimes the very best doctors make mistakes, as do the best lawyers, accountants, plumbers and waitresses. But it is incredible how few malpractice…


Still More from President Obama on Malpractice Reform

The AP reports that President Obama’s says he’s willing to start from scratch on health care — and will consider medical malpractice caps sought by most Republicans. I don’t think the President really supports malpractice reform. My fear is that, at this point, he would sacrifice too much – including…


Washington State Tosses Certificate of Merit in Medical Malpractice Cases

The Washington Supreme Court unanimously (9-0) threw out a 2006 law that requires an injured patient to get a certificate of merit from an expert before suing for medical malpractice, finding that RCW 7.70.150, usurped the judicial branch’s power to determine the procedures by which courts adjudicate medical malpractice lawsuits.…


Baltimore Washington Hospital Lawsuit Dismissed

A lawsuit by former CBS “Early Show” personality Mark McEwen against a Maryland doctor and Baltimore Washington Hospital has been dismissed on summary judgment. The Maryland medical malpractice lawsuit alleged that Baltimore Washington Medical Center should have recognized that McEwen was suffering from stroke-like symptoms and treated him with anti-coagulates.…

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