
Maryland Medical Malpractice Attorney Blog


Baltimore Washington Hospital Gets Fined

Baltimore Washington Medical Center must pay a fine after giving a patient an improper dose of radiation last year. The Glen Burnie hospital was fined by the Maryland Department of Environment which, surprisingly, enforces radiation management regulations. BWMC recently reached the $14,000 settlement agreement with the state for the improper…


New Opinion on Discovery Rule and Statute of Limitations in Malpractice

Under the default statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases in Maryland, malpractice victims have three years to file a lawsuit from the time of the malpractice or wrongful death. The discovery rule says, however, that subject to a five-year limit, the clock only begins when you know or have…


Diagnosing the Emergency Room Misdiagnosis Problem

This is not a space to praise the virtues of malpractice insurance companies. But let’s give credit to Crico/RMF a malpractice insurance company which insures Harvard-affiliated hospitals. Crico/RMF, according to the Wall Street Journal, put on an emergency medicine leadership summit to identify the critical factors that cause missed or…

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